Mayabeque, Cuba: The third dose of the health intervention stage of the vaccine candidate Abdala to public health personnel in the municipality of Güines will conclude satisfactorily on Monday 21 of this month with the 4,200 workers in the sector.

According to the director of the Luis Li Trigent polyclinic, from the municipality of Güines, Doctor Javier Corso del Toro, once the intervention in the health personnel is concluded, it should begin with the population.

“There is still no definite date but we hope it will be as quick as possible to try to stop the reappearance of the disease”, the also First Degree Specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine (MGI) added.

Several workers in this sector have already received the third dose of the vaccine candidate Abdala and express their gratitude for feeling more protected

Suli Mary Carrasco Fonte

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