Due to those mysterious coincidences, on a day like today, but in a period of 83 years between one and the other, Lieutenant General Antonio Maceo and Commander Ernesto Guevara would come to the world, one in Santiago de Cuba, the Hero City, the other in El Rosario Argentina, but with their births so distant in time, only the coincidences that turned them into milestones for the history of not only Cuba, but also of America would begin.
Beyond the times, nationalities and the color of the skin, they are united by similar values, ethical principles and political ideas.
Without having academic military training, they excelled in colossal combat feats at the head of irregular forces, faced with professional armies with better weapons; an example of this was the invasions from the East to the West, a kind of legends that enriched Cuban history and military art.
Both acted in different scenarios and moments, despite their ethical and moral behavior in the face of a common problem such as injustice and, as if that were not enough, the imprint of their struggle is projected with enormous validity in their positions regarding their anti-imperialist feelings, which it is complemented in Ché with his internationalism in another historical moment.
The deep mark that both have left on the people are today inspiration, encouragement and light to face the great challenges of a present marked by the greatest health crisis that humanity has known and the great escalation of the brutal economic and financial blockade that tries to put knees, without achieving it, to an entire country.