Europa por Cuba ratifies solidarity with Cuba and condemn the US blockade.

Havana, Cuba: The Europa por Cuba channel reiterated on Thursday, its support for the largest island of the Antilles in the face of attacks such as the US economic, commercial and financial blockade, and advanced new solidarity initiatives.

The platform, which broadcasts a program every Sunday on YouTube, will arrive on October 18 to its first year of solidarity work.

In dialogue with the Prensa Latina agency, one of its founders, the Spanish José Antonio Toledo said that the channel has been consolidating its objective of uniting those who from the so-called Old Continent, and also beyond, support the Cuban Revolution.

He added that the path traveled represented a space to give a voice to those who fight for the island, those who repudiate the criminal siege and destabilization maneuvers, and those who disclose their reality, so manipulated and distorted.

For her part, the Cuban resident in France, Patricia Pérez highlighted the participation in the platform of Europeans in solidarity with the Antillean nation and of Cubans who, although they live far from their homeland, are unconditionally committed to its defense.

“In this first year there were many street actions, including world days against the blockade in dozens of countries, and also expanding the presence on social networks,” she commented.

The intellectuals Ignacio Ramonet and Atilio Borón, the president of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Association, Hebe de Bonafini, Cuban ambassadors to European nations and the Colombian journalist Hernando Calvo, stand out among the participants.

Por Redacción Digital

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