Tribute to medical science students on the day for Latin American Medicine Day.

Mayabeque, Cuba: This year’s recognition of medical science students will mark the day for the Latin American Medicine Day in Madruga, which will take place between November 3 and December 3.

Those young heirs to the legacy of Cuban doctor Carlos Juan Finlay assumed with courage and professionalism from the first day the confrontation with Covid-19 and will receive the tribute of the community for so much dedication in defense of life.

The day for the Day of Latin American Medicine in Madruga also includes the recognitiont of all professionals in the sector for their role in the fight against the pandemic. All defying the danger stood firm in the front line of combat protecting the health of the people.

In the healthcare units and in the neighborhoods: doctors, nurses, technicians and specialists will be distinguished as a sign of the affection, respect and admiration of the people of Madruga for their heroes in white coats.

On this occasion, December 3th acquires particular relevance because thanks to the health personnel and many other good Cubans we are winning this tough battle and putting a smile on the future.

Other initiatives will be developed in the next 30 days in the municipality and begin with special mornings in the health units tomorrow, November 3, during the opening of the day.

Maria Amalia Pérez

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