Amsterdam: The association of Cubans residing in the Netherlands Cuba en mi Alma today condemned the aggressions and destabilizing attempts against the island and assured that they will be defeated, Prensa Latina publishes.

The Cuban people will not let the counterrevolutionaries pass, and will defeat them in each of their actions, said the organization’s president, César Bustamante.

Cuba is a country in Revolution and will continue to be so, he stressed regarding the call for demonstrations for the middle of this month on the island, stimulated and financed from the United States, whose government does not hide interference in the internal affairs of the neighboring country.

According to Bustamante, the island maintains its course, despite the attacks, guided by the already historic slogan “No one surrenders here.”

We, for our part, will continue to work hard against the US blockade, and denounce it over and over again, affirmed the president of Cuba in my soul.

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