Anuncian nuevo procedimiento transitorio para las pensiones hasta 2025.

Cuba: The Cuban Ministry of Labor and Social Security (MTSS) reported today on the establishment of a transitory procedure for the processing of pensions during the 2022-2025 period, Cubasí reports.

The modifications are given from the first year of applying the comprehensive reform of wages, pensions and social assistance benefits, said managers in a meeting with the press in this capital.

During the five years following the application of the reform, the monitoring of some articles of Law 105, which establish how the amount of pensions for age, total disability and death, is suspended.

The legal director of the National Institute of Social Security (INASS), belonging to the MTSS, Margarita Martín Pérez, stated that in 2022 the salary earned in the 12 months prior to the pension application will be taken into account, and successively, each year They will take the salaries received during the preceding years, counting from 2021.

As of 2026, the worker who requests a pension will have five years of increased wages since the reform, which will be used as the basis for the calculation.

The general director of INASS, Virginia Marlén García Reyes, declared that the number of pensions processed for the February minutes amounts to 10,709, a figure that exceeds that of the same month of the previous year by 5,703.

The official assured that workers can request their retirement in any month of the year, given that there is no legal norm that limits this right.

All INASS affiliates will receive the files submitted by the entities, with no monthly limit, provided that they comply with the updated template, established models, as well as legible stamps and signatures.

According to the director of INASS Pensions, Benito Rey González, the minimum pension is 1,528 Cuban pesos (CUP), and every worker whose average salary does not reach this amount will be increased until reaching the figure.

He clarified that all earnings from utilities are added to the calculation, granting a higher percentage to the pension, and the worker who does not have 30 years of service can opt for an extraordinary route of up to 20 years.

The general director of INASS pointed out that people who have received a subsidy for medical reasons must write down 100 percent of the salary that they should earn, so that they are not affected for the purposes of the calculation.

Regarding pensions due to death, the director stressed that they are prioritized, so their processing has not been stopped during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, and they go to the provincial branch to speed up the process.

Special regimes are offered the possibility of varying the 2021 contribution base and the pension to be earned will depend on this modification, she said.

As of 2023, all workers in the non-state sector must modify their contribution base to the new scale; and those who received higher salaries before the application, in January 2021, of the (economic) Ordering Task are processed as identifiable situations, which will be evaluated so that the five best previous salaries are taken.

In the case of those dismissed from their workplace, they can also file for retirement if during their active period they met the age and length of service requirements established by law, the specialists explained. (YDG)


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