Mesa redonda Informativa. Foto: Toma de pantalla

Mayabeque, Cuba: Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, the National Coordinator of the CDRs, the Deputy Governor of Havana and the Second Chief of the National Revolutionary Police, appeared at the Round Table Program on Tuesday to report on the confrontation in the country at illegalities, and, among them, the damaging phenomenon of hoarders and resellers, which generates so much rejection in the population.

Prime Minister Manuel Marrero said that there are currently three closely related moments: the measures to face and recover from Covid-19 and the effects of the world economic crisis, aggravated by the strengthening of the economic and financial blockade against the country by the United States government.

Another aspect is the increase in illegalities associated with these phenomena that cause serious economic problems and increase popular disgust.

Regarding illegalities, the Prime Minister added that negative acts against the national economy and based on personal enrichment cannot be allowed.

The National Coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), Carlos Rafael Miranda Martínez, argued that based on the indications of Army General Raúl Castro Ruz and President Miguel Díaz Canel, the organization intensified the fight against illegalities.

Given the existing situation, the population must continue to denounce these acts, to defend their own interests against those who want to take away what belongs to them.

The Second Chief of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR), Eddy Sierra Arias, argued that the confrontation has continuity and is associated with all the economic and social actions that are carried out in the country.

Given the existing situation, the population must continue to denounce these acts, to defend their own interests against those who want to take away what belongs to them.

The Second Chief of the National Revolutionary Police (PNR), Eddy Sierra Arias, argued that the confrontation has continuity and is associated with all the economic and social actions that are carried out in the country.

Andy Duardo Martin

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