Mayabeque, Cuba: The theater group Blanca Becerra takes to the stage for the first time a work of Federico García Lorca, in homage to Juan José Varona and Ovidio Santiago Domínguez, for the Day of the Bejucal Creator, based in the municipal house of culture.

The Love of Don Perlimplín and Belisa in the Garden is a tragicomedy staged by a cast of amateur artists, this time with the debut of two of them, under the direction of the actress Isisdeli González Estévez.

It involves an approach to emblematic doors made by the extramural and rehearsal groups, the latter directed by Carlos Díaz from Bejucal.

The current director of the host group, Lázaro Ovidio Díaz Estévez, explained that this work is considered by some critics as the most dramatic of Lorca, where the tracing of the characters and their vital movements are developed with more rigor and depth.

The main character Perlimplín is old but his maid decided to marry him off. He has never known love and feels fear and rejection of women. He is perplexed by the body of his wife Belisa and falls in love with her who betrays him with five lovers.

In an interview with Lorca the poet stated: “Don Perlimplín is the least cuckold man in the world. His sleeping imagination is awakened by the tremendous deception of his wife, but then he makes all the women in the world cuckold”.

The work is included in the program of activities of the cultural institution during the month of December and to attend it requires strict compliance with hygienic measures.

Caption: The theater group Blanca Becerra takes the work of Federico García Lorca to the stage for the first time. Photo: Casa del Libro.

Nathalie Martínez Camps

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque

Por Nathalie Martínez Camps

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque

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