We continue to be victoriously socialist.

Mayabeque, Cuba: “Fellow workers and peasants, said Fidel, this is the socialist and democratic revolution of the humble, with the humble and for the humble.”

And the militiamen and soldiers, representatives of the working people present at the funeral of the victims of the cunning attack on our airports, a prelude to the mercenary invasion of Playa Girón, raising their rifles, approved the socialist character of our revolution.

There in the central corner of 23 and 12 in the capital Vedado neighborhood, one of the greatest pages in the history of Cuba was written, which has been enriched by the challenge of our own destiny, being a David, facing a Goliath who does not resign himself to being defeated by our sling.

On that occasion the Commander in Chief would express it and it became a certainty, the same stone that defeated Goliath would be a permanent nuisance in the empire’s shoe «… what they cannot forgive us is that we have made a socialist revolution right under the noses of the United States, to be here …

On a day like today, on an April day of guns and heroes, a decisive leap would be taking place in the political consciousness of the people, with this fact that undoubtedly marked the way forward in the construction of a social process based on the humanism and equity. Like a Girón, 60 years later, as expressed by the very convocation to the Eighth Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba that opens its historic doors precisely today, in the face of the empire that will never be able to bend us and in the face of the enormous present and future difficulties, no matter how powerful, Once again we will proclaim before the world our irreducible conviction of victory in which ideas will be consolidated, history will be recognized and the future will be discussed.

Olga Lidia Gómez Ramos

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