Cuba is a country of great sporting results, as early as 1959, Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro already assured and I quote: “We are determined to promote sport at all costs, to take it as far as possible, but for this the help of all, athletes, leaders, organizations, sports commentators is necessary”.
The Revolution made sport become a right of the people. Fidel, as the promoter of this idea, created the Voluntary Sports Councils, the Sports Initiation Schools, the High Performance Centers, all quarries of champions.
His love and dedication to several disciplines forged the commitment of his practitioners with the greatest athlete: Thus Teófilo Stevenson, did not change the applause of his followers for all the money in the world, he pushed Javier Sotomayor as close to heaven as no other human has ever come. That is why Ana Fidelia Quirot returned to the courts to continue giving medals, the spectacular Morenas del Caribe bathed Olympic Volleyball in gold, Omar Linares hit a home run to give Cuban baseball the victory.
The farewell or welcome to each sports delegation, the timely praise or criticism after a certain performance in the international arena, the accompaniment of the athletes in good and bad moments.
This is Fidel’s sports work, those are his medals. That is why they are hung around his neck, his example and champion lineage remains undefeated and after the journey he undertook towards immortality, he will continue to reap triumphs, winning the most difficult battles, because Fidel is Cuba, he is sport is glory.