Sesionará en Mayabeque evento online AGROJOVEN 2021.

Mayabeque, Cuba: For food sovereignty is the central theme of the Second Edition of the AGROJOVEN 2021, online event which will be held in Mayabeque, with the purpose of seeking scientific-technical solutions and innovations to contribute to food self-sufficiency.

In the virtual appointment called by the direction of the Youth Technical Brigades in coordination with the Young Communists League and the National Association of Small Farmers, all young residents or workers of the province between 18 and 35 years of age may participate.

Applicants will present their work in the poster mode and will have the possibility to intervene with two investigations that contain a maximum of 3 posters and images of the summary of the results of the work.

The delivery of the works will be carried out until December 31, 2021 by email:, with the subject “Agrojoven 2021” and with the title, the author’s data (name and surname, identity card, center of work and phone if you have). In the case of participating with two works, you must send them in separate emails.

A jury specialized in the subject will decide the winners and the works that meet the requirements will be displayed on the official Facebook page of the BTJ in Mayabeque.

Meta words: food sovereignty, Second Edition of the AGROJOVEN 2021, online event, Mayabeque, scientific-technical solutions, innovations, food self-sufficiency.

Yudith Arredondo

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