Mayabeque, Cuba: The Directorate of Agriculture in Bejucal encourages peasants to use agro-ecology, by holding workshops to expand their knowledge.

Juberney Martínez Rodríguez, agronomist and specialist in plant health at the Credits y Services Cooperative (CCS) Félix González Viego, referred to the importance of raising awareness among producers regarding agro-ecology management.

He also highlighted the use of biological means in sowing, since the use of fertilizers had negative effects on the appearance of serious diseases in human beings, said Martínez Rodríguez during a meeting with the peasantry.

Agro-ecology is the science for the use of ecological processes in agricultural, livestock, forestry and food production systems.

It is based on the implementation of principles that combine ecological and social values, the application of which is adapted to different scales, from small to large for self-consumption.

Nathalie Martínez Camps

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque

Por Nathalie Martínez Camps

Periodista en Radio Mayabeque

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