Los Huracanes, Mayabeque baseball team.

Mayabeque, Cuba: The first sub-series of Los Huracanes of Mayabeque against Las Tunas ended with a victory and a defeat, at the beginning of the 60 Cuban ball season.

Those led by Michael González won on the first day with a score of 9 runs for five in a game that extended to ten innings.

The victory was for Richard Aguilera and the reverse for Yoalkis Cruz. In this game home runs of Danel Castro and Denis Peña for Los Leñadores and Orlando Lavandera for Los Huracanes.

On Sunday, those from Vicente García’s land took revenge and left the Mayabequenses on the field 6 scores to five per decisive homerun of Yunieky Larduet in the ninth inning with two outs on the board. Helier Glacial suffered the reverse; Alejandro Meneses came out smiling from the box.

They also took the ball out from Julio Antonio Mella stadium, Yordanis Alarcón for Las Tunas and Javier Carabeo for ours.

In other results, Santiago de Cuba swept Isla de la Juventud, the same thing did Industriales with Guantánamo and Camagüey with Matanzas.

Artemisa-Granma, Pinar del Río-Holguín, Ciego de Ávila-Villa Clara and Sancti Spíritus-Cienfuegos also divided honors.

This Monday there is a day of rest for some and transfer for others. Mayabeque travels to Camagüey to face the Bulls from Tuesday to Thursday.

The games are completed with Sancti Spíritus-Villa Clara, Cienfuegos -Ciego de Ávila, Las Tunas-Matanzas, Holguín-Artemisa, Granma-Pinar del Río, Santiago de Cuba-Industriales and Guantánamo-Isla de la Juventud, always based on land of the firsts.

Wilber Pastrana Pereira

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