New Design of Tele-classes for Entrance Exams Preparation in Mayabeque.

Mayabeque, Cuba: Face-to-face classes are back and with it the design of a television program in Mayabeque as a complement to the preparation of twelfth-grade students in the territory for the entrance exams to Higher Education.

The Director of the Martires de Granada Pre-University Institute of Batabanó, Israel Martínez Oliva with a degree in Mathematics, said that the teachers who attend twelfth grade in each of the IPUs conceived classes that correspond to the diagnosis of the territory.

At the headquarters of the Telemayabeque channel they record each of the tele-classes of the subjects Mathematics and History, while those related to Spanish were recorded at Güines TV.

The projection of these television classes will take place during the months of January and February, the stage prior to the admission process planned for the first eight days of March.

Each Pre-University Institute will have the package of classes in digital format, once the recordings and editions are finished, to guarantee its transmission and adapt it to the school process of each educational center.

Yuliet Casanova La Rosa

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